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WMCA Awards

Recognizing Dedication, Honoring Service

A new awards program is launching in 2025!  Any WMCA member in good standing fitting the criteria is eligible, except for the President, President-Elect, Vice President, and Immediate Past President is eligible to be nominated for one of the following awards: (A member in good standing means a fully paid member.)

 Award  Membership Level Eligibility  Min. Years of Clerk Experience  Award Criteria
Lifetime Achievement*  Active, Associate, & Honorary or Retiree  10+ Years  Encompasses full clerk career, regardless of title. The nominee must have exhibited exceptional service in areas that may include, but are not limited to leadership, organization, administration, communications, service to WMCA, professional development, special projects, and community involvement.
Outstanding Clerk of the Year  Active  5+ Years  Specific achievement, innovation, or impact accomplished within the past operating year, either for their entity or within WMCA.
Trailblazer  Active  1-4 Years  Specific achievement, innovation, or impact accomplished within the past operating year, either for their entity or within WMCA.
WMCA Inspiration**  Active  Any  The member has had a significant impact on WMCA or a WMCA member within the past year.
* Associate, Honorary or Retiree members must have changed membership status within the past 2 operating years.

**Nominations only accepted from WMCA active members.

Significant 2025 program changes:

  • Nominees will be notified about all award nominations and may be contacted to assist with the details of their nomination. Feel free to include your nominees in the process. (Winners will remain confidential until award time.)
  • You may include up to one letter of support for your nominee for the Lifetime Achievement Award.
  • One nomination form will be used for all awards. Feel free to nominate your person for multiple awards.

WMCA Awards are a competitive process in which Administrators, City Managers, Mayors, staff members, or Municipal Clerk peers nominate a candidate who stands heads and shoulders above the rest. The nominations are reviewed and scored by WMCA’s Awards Committee (President, President-Elect, Vice President, and Immediate Past President) and the winners are ultimately selected by the WMCA President. The decision of the President is final.

Click the link below to nominate a deserving WMCA member today!

Nomination Form

2025 Nomination Deadline = February 14th

One nomination form will be used for all awards. Feel free to nominate your person for multiple awards!

© Washington Municipal Clerks Association

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